Palmer Home

Palmer Home
Palmer Home for Children

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Select Financial Group is proud to announce the date for the 2010 American National Palmer Home Golf Classic.

The 2nd Annual American National Palmer Home Golf Classic is scheduled for October 28th, 2010, at Windyke Country Club in Memphis, TN, with a 12:30pm start time.
Look forward to golfing with local celebrity teams, indulging your taste buds, and helping Palmer Home for Children give the gift of hope.

Awards will be presented for Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin (all par 3's), and Straightest Drive.

A combination package of 2 Mulligans, 1 Raffle Ticket, and admission to the Putting Contest will be available as well!

The tournament will vary slightly in the Scramble format by having the teams participate in a Reverse Scramble for the middle 6 holes.

All players receive an elegant gift and a one-day golf pass to Windyke Country Club for use at a later date.

Play, donate a prize, sponsor a part of the tourney, or simply donate money to have fun and support Palmer Home for Children. All sponsorships, all donations, and a portion of entries are tax deductible contributions to Palmer Home for Children, a 501 (c) 3 organization.

For More Information, Contact:

Aerin Ellis
Select Financial Group, LLC
2010 Golf Classic Director
901-756-7557 ext. 111