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Palmer Home for Children

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Let the Tee Offs Begin!

Good Day Everyone!

Select Financial Group is live at the Second Annual American National Palmer Home Golf Classic.

We are thankful for the beautiful, crisp weather on this sunny day at the serene east course of Windyke Country Club. As you may know, last year's tournament suffered greatly because of rainy, frigid weather.

This morning, Sheldon the Mississippi Riverkings Mascot stopped by for a little clowning around during registration (priceless pictures to follow soon).

During registration, the guests raffle tickets went like hotcakes. Everyone was dying to get the gorgeous Mednikow Men's Watch on their hands! It was graciously provided by Mednikow, our Grand Raffle Prize.

Our golfers started their carts and headed to their starting holes after Pastor Ernie Frey from Central Church gave a warm and welcoming convocation.

Our lunch of burgers, hot dogs, beans, slaw, potato salad and cookies proved to satisfy the hungriest players appetites. Thanks to Knox and his crew at Windyke Country Club.

The Executive Director of Palmer Home for Children is on hand to educate golfers about their organization and to watch the support pour in.

Thus far, 3 players have sunk the putting contest leading to what promises to be a millimeter close contest.

Later this evening, Phil Cannon, director of the Annual St. Jude Golf Classic, will let us in on the latest details of the most anticipated Golf Classic in Memphis!

Stay tuned for photos, winners, videos and more!

Until Then,
Select Financial Group

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